Wednesday, August 24, 2011

cotton or straw?

So, last year, for our first anniversary, JT and I decided that our "tradition" would be to follow a the list of traditional wedding gifts by anniversary year.  The first anniversary was paper. I got JT an SEC magazine with a pigskin preview.  He got me a newspaper with the date of our first anniversary.  We also went on a little getaway to the Brasstown Valley Resort. 

This year, because of money, we will not be taking a vacation for our anniversary.  However, according to this list the gifts for a 2nd year anniversary is cotton or straw.  Two items that could be hard to find.  The first thing that came to mind was cotton balls or swabs :) However, I did think of cotton tee shirts, undies, straw hats, but I settled on this:

It is a straw for a milkshake.  JT's favorite restaurant is Steak and Shake.  And since money is tight this year, we are going to Steak and Shake for dinner and have milkshakes with our straws to toast our 2nd year.

Wow, two whole years as a married couple.  There have been moments where I thought we wouldn't make it two whole days! But I have to say, I love JT and our family.  He brings a smile to my face and laughter to my heart. I am glad that God has put him in my life. We are so much alike that we butt heads at times, but I would not trade him for the world. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Firsts

Today was a first for me and JT.  We went to West GA, where I am a two-time alum.  But it wasn't for me. It was for him.  JT is starting graduate school at West GA on Monday.  The MPA program.  I am so proud of him.  He is so motivated and driven now. I cannot even convey to him how proud and happy he makes me.

We bought his books, got his ID and parking pass, toured the campus and ate lunch at the Corner Cafe on the Square. It was great.

Good Luck JT.

In other news, my interview went great, and I have been called in for a second interview next week.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lucky #7

I hav emy seventh interview of the summer tomorrow.  I am praying daily for God to place me in a job that will best utilize the talents that He has given me.  Please say a prayer.

PS I love the tick tick tick of a key board

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Waiting for baby Clark

So tomorrow I have the privilege of taking maternity photos of my best friend and her husband.  I am excited and nervous.  I hope that I can capture their love for each other and their new blessing growing inside of her. It is crazy to think my best friend has a tiny little person growing inside her. Jason and Kristi are going to be wonderful parents.  I am lucky that I get to be a part of their moment. 

Last week, I took some shots of Alaina and Otto.  Here are the best ones:


About Me

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I am a recessionista taking shortcuts to turn your favorite fashion trends, recipes,and creative projects into affordable, do-able, options. Making designer trends and delicious treats... do-able