Monday, July 25, 2011

Everything's coming up babies!

So I have found a new hobby~ photography.  I have always loved taking pictures but recently have fallen deeper in love with children's photography.  Tomorrow, I am taking photographs of two 3 week old babies.  One is a girl and one is a boy.  Not siblings, but neighbors, and I am totally excited.  Immediately, I took to Etsy and ordered some photograpy props.  This will be my first time taking photos of babies.  But as the title of my post indicates, there are a lot of newborns and expecting mothers in my life right now. 
Currently, I know 26 people that are pregnant.  Either high school friends, college friends, coworkers or sorority sisters.  It is crazy to think this many women in my lives are aboout to be mothers.  Or bring siblings for their children into this world.  I cannot believe that we have been married for almost two years.  JT and I are not trying (which devastates my mom). So for now, I will drag my mother along to help me on my photo shoots.  Like tomorrow...

I cannot wait to post pictures from tomorrow.  I have a newborn tutu, bloomers with ruffles, a diaper cover, a set with a newspaper boy hat, a bird bath, a planter, a bean bag, and REALLY soft blanket.  Sounds like its going to be an interesting shoot, huh?

Below are a few of the pictures that I will try to recreate:

And here are some of my recent work:


About Me

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I am a recessionista taking shortcuts to turn your favorite fashion trends, recipes,and creative projects into affordable, do-able, options. Making designer trends and delicious treats... do-able